Postpartum Services

Tailored care for your family

Overnight Care

Overnight care is provided by Night Nannies, Newborn Care Specialists, Infant Care Specialists, or postpartum doulas for 8+ consecutive hours. The goal of overnight care is to attend to your baby's needs in order to optimize your sleep schedule. Overnight care is great for birth recovery as well as helping you to be your best self at home and at work.

Daytime Care

Daytime services look different for every family. Daytime services are typically provided by postpartum doulas, although depending on the age of your baby and your needs, Newborn Care Specialist and Infant Care Specialists also provide this service. Care could include rest, breast and bottle feeding support, assistance in establishing nap routines for restful nighttime sleep, meal preparation, light housekeeping and/or general upkeep of the home, and all or some care of your newborn. Our team is trained to ‘see the need’ and work to lessen your load, so your family transition is smooth and joyful.

Sleep Consulting

The aim of our sleep consultations is to help you solidify a sleep schedule and routine that works for your home environment. After observing your family’s sleep habits, we provide an in-home sleep consultation for 90 minutes where we walk you through a complete sleep, eat and activity plan. We share activity strategies that are age appropriate and show you how to follow your child’s cues. We don’t subscribe to one specific sleep method, but provide a custom plan for your infant or toddler. All engagements include 2 weeks of follow-up email & phone support. Sleep consulting services start at $500.

Newborn Care

Our newborn care services can include overnight care so you and your family can get a good night’s rest, round-the-clock care (24/7) where a Newborn Care Specialist (NCS) lives in your home for a period of time for on-demand services, sleep conditioning and healthy sleep habit consultation, private in-home new parent classes, and daytime support to help you learn about your new addition.

New Parent Consulting

Our consultations for new parents provides you with an in-home customized mentorship of the full newborn experience. We’ll show you how to read your baby’s cues and cries, teach you how to gently coax your baby into sleeping well, demonstrate best bathing techniques and guide you through integrating your baby’s schedule into your daily routine. This service is $250 for 2 hours or you can receive a $50 discount when you register and attend the Baby Steps class taught by us at St. Mark's Hospital.

Workshops & Classes

We’re proud to teach the Baby Steps class series and soon to begin new parent workshops at St.Mark's Hospital. These are designed for anyone who is or is soon to be a new parent or caregiver of an infant. Topics include, basic newborn care, bath demonstration, hospital routines, infant safety and security, CPR demonstration, immunizations, and tips on when to call the doctor. See our schedule.


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